thank you for visiting this page! this is a passion project of mine as i have spent such a long time with this game. :3

What is Typical Colors 2?

Typical Colors 2 is a 2016 Roblox recreation of a popular multiplayer game called Team Fortress 2 by Dorcus Digital. Like TF2, it is a class-based first-person shooter but with many quality of life changes, reworked weapons, and much more. It has gone through many different updates, from the Executive Update, to the Summer FM update, finally giving the game mobile support and several other performance fixes for console players as well.

Before Typical Colors 2, there was Typical Colors, which was a crude recreation of the original game. And even before that, there was Roblox Fortress 2, being an even cruder recreation of the original game.

Classes (WIP)



